Welcome to Croft Junior School - Follow us on X @CroftJunior. ~ Please use the Contact Form under the 'About Us' tab for any communications to school. ~ The next Coffee Event is on Tuesday 4th June, in person from 14:40 to 15:15. Come and join us in the school hall for an informal discussion and to share your views.
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House Captains

At Croft Junior School, we have four houses: Cumberland, Northumberland, Westmoreland and Rutland, all named after local roads surrounding our school. The house colours are as follows: Cumberland, Northumberland, Westmoreland and Rutland

Children are awarded house points daily, when they do something that stands out and points are totalled each week and shared in our celebratory assembly, as well as our weekly newsletter. On Sports Day, we compete in our teams and aim to win the Sports cup!  One of the key responsibilities of house captains is to model exemplary behaviour at all times, in and around the school. We are very proud of our learning environment and we look forward to welcoming visitors and showing them around our wonderful school.

