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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


There are three classes in the year. 


  • 6 Brazil  (Mrs Grantham)
  • 6 India (Mrs Guest - Year Lead)
  • 6 Kenya (Mr Parsons)





Children need to read as often as possible to improve their fluency and understanding. Their Reading Record book should be completed and signed each time reading has taken place and will be monitored each week by the class teacher. 


Every two weeks, the children will be set a reading activity to complete in their Collins Reading Comprehension book, Friday for Thursday.



Maths homework will be based on what has been taught in lessons that week. It will be set once a week, in the Collins SATs Revision Book, Friday for Thursday.



Grammar homework will be set every two weeks, in the Collins SATs Revision Book, Friday for Thursday.



Children will be given a set of spellings every Friday to learn via Spelling Shed.


Progress checks will take place weekly to celebrate new learning.
